My Green Lake and New Year’s Wish


Irene with brothers and sister at Green Lake

A flashback to my childhood – Irene with my brothers and sister at Green Lake .

Green Lake came to my mind this winter as a cherished place in my heart, where I was happy and could lay down all my worries, and could relax; a place where I matter and once laughed and played; A Holy Place in the wilderness for camping. We all need places like this to hang onto.

I recall that as a child, I loved hiking with a backpack to Green Lake in the High Sierra Mountains. My heart belongs in Green Lake, a wilderness lake nestled thousands of feet above the valleys. I was dazzled by lights, and reflections on the lake during the day; and dazzled again at night by the brightest moon and starry night. We could see every star and meteor shower with greatest of clarity from my sleeping bag with my brothers and sisters, because we were high above the city lights and the smog, breathing thin and crisp mountain air. Oh how I loved camping there. At this time of year Green Lake is surely swaddled in snow and frozen over. But as soon as the spring and summer comes, the snows will melt and the trails will beckon the humans again.

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I Wish I had More Hands

corner of my house,by Irene Rowley

I hung this bottle glass art in the corner, where the bird cage used to hang.

Last blog I wrote about dream interpretation. In retrospect, I might have given you the impression that my dreams and art are both always wonderful and sacred!  In fact, I can spend half my time making things in the mud of real life. Art… like Life… is not all tea and roses!

I’ve been lost in the mud lots of times, while creating it.  Art is a mess! Art is crazy! I think I spend half my time just fixing perceived mistakes.  continue reading

Art and Sacred Spaces

dollhouse closeup of a doll reads on a patio

One of my imaginary sacred spaces is this patio in my dollhouse.

This spring, I have had to make my way back to my sacred space in my memories, and just sit and “be still” a while. I’ve been retreating to and visualizing my sacred places where I feel safe and happy. Art is one way I can share it and nurture it. Words cannot do my dreams enough justice.

Much of my art is about creating and nurturing a sacred space, and going to the quiet places in my mind. continue reading