Wine Country and Etsy Teams

Wine Country Crafters

Art scrappers, I’ve discovered Etsy is the ideal outlet to show and sell your arts and crafts independently and online to the public. Etsy is an marketplace where people around the world connect to buy and sell handmade and vintage goods, online. We have talented, vibrant artists here in Wine Country, and I have discovered they have organized a few teams!

Here are the Etsy artists and crafters teams, that I’ve found are creative and active in Sonoma, Napa and Marin Counties:

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I Wish I had More Hands

corner of my house,by Irene Rowley

I hung this bottle glass art in the corner, where the bird cage used to hang.

Last blog I wrote about dream interpretation. In retrospect, I might have given you the impression that my dreams and art are both always wonderful and sacred!  In fact, I can spend half my time making things in the mud of real life. Art… like Life… is not all tea and roses!

I’ve been lost in the mud lots of times, while creating it.  Art is a mess! Art is crazy! I think I spend half my time just fixing perceived mistakes.  continue reading