On Painting Love and Death

20181211_131612_finalMy cat Giovanni died in my arms, one morning last fall, just as the sun was just rising and the first rays coming in through the window on us. He had been suffering kidney and heart failure and lost most his weight in just two weeks. He gasped three times then died an old kitty, almost 19 years old.

As an artist, it helped me to paint it out and work on a little cat alter. You paint out the love and the memories that you never want to forget.  continue reading

Trees of Childhood and Long Ago

It’s easier to paint a tree, than to grow a tree, I think now. As I grow older and impatiently wait for the maple I planted three years ago to grow more.  My paintings of trees hold the memories of trees of childhood and long ago.

Here’s some of my favorite tree paintings…each one has a special meaning in my childhood. continue reading

A Summer Dream Painting

new painting, acrylic on canvas by Irene Rowley

new painting, acrylic on canvas, by Irene Rowley

Here’s a painting I’ve been working on this summer… the first painting I’ve done in a long time!

In this case, I am working with acrylics on white canvas and I found that time had passed so fully, that half of my acrylic color tubes of paint had dried out. So, I managed this much, with about one third of my regular color palette. continue reading