Fishing for the Soul

I can fish.I fish in happiness. I never catch any. But I love the lake shore and nature,fishing Lake Tahoe fishing Lake Tahoe

Off To The Fishing Ground

There’s a piping wind from a sunrise shore
Blowing over a silver sea,
There’s a joyous voice in the lapsing tide
That calls enticingly;
The mist of dawn has taken flight
To the dim horizon’s bound,
And with wide sails set and eager hearts
We’re off to the fishing ground.

Oh, ’tis a glad and heartsome thing
To wake ere the night be done
And steer the course that our fathers steered
In the path of the rising sun.
The wind and welkin and wave are ours
Wherever our bourne is found,
And we envy no landsman his dream and sleep
When we’re off to the fishing ground.


– poem by Lucy Maud Montgomery


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