The Zen of Seeing, with a Cat

drawing-1980s-015_webI recommend the books,  The Zen of Seeing and The Awakened Eye by Frederick Franck, to artists and art lovers everywhere. Essentially Franck tells artists to let real life guide your drawings. Using the principles of  The Zen of Seeing, I sketched my cat G.B., doing my best to remove my ego and preconceptions from what I drew. continue reading

Inside the Dollhouse

Today, I will tell you a little more about what is inside my handmade dollhouse and closeup pictures. It is true that each dollhouse has a story to tell.

The Living Room

This room is a humble American home, with a humble braided rug. A rocking chair faces a stone fireplace.

I used a brass pillbox that I inherited from my Oma (grandma) to make a sewing box. Inside the sewing box I made two pins into sewing needles, and rolled small balls of “yarn” out of embroidery thread, for Oma to knit with.
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