The Art of Peace Gardens

Peace Garden signIn Sebastopol there is a Peace Garden: I know because my Mom was one of the “hippies” who thought of the idea and planted it over 30 years ago. Actually, she planted it as a member of the EarthStewards group. I have photos of Mom and the founder Danaan Parry hugging. I went to the garden this past Spring, since Mom had died, based on a very distant memory of it.

I saw the first few flowers in the 1980’s in that garden, and thought they’d die without water within one year, or get uprooted by the terrifying Sebastopol Gophers; the flowers were so small and fragile.  I was that pessimistic about how much Mom and her group could do when I was young. Although I wanted peace as much as everyone else. The Berlin Wall was still up, and wars never seemed to end in the Middle East. You won’t believe what I found …. continue reading

The Great Afterlife for Artists

glacier mountain painting top by Irene RowleyToday I will share my vision of what a great heaven would be like for an artist.  You see, ever since childhood, I have all these ideas about heaven. Sometimes, my friends hear me talking about what heaven will be like, and they indicate that they have never thought as much about it, as I have. In fact, they indicate I should write my description of heaven down, it is so fantastic and peculiar. Now, I never thought of myself as peculiar… but I get that response a lot as an artist. continue reading

On Painting Love and Death

20181211_131612_finalMy cat Giovanni died in my arms, one morning last fall, just as the sun was just rising and the first rays coming in through the window on us. He had been suffering kidney and heart failure and lost most his weight in just two weeks. He gasped three times then died an old kitty, almost 19 years old.

As an artist, it helped me to paint it out and work on a little cat alter. You paint out the love and the memories that you never want to forget.  continue reading