The Wind is Like Fire … a Poem

waterfall and mountain painting, by Irene Rowley

The wind is like fire
tapping treetops, rippling leaves
and touching me now.

I wish I could stay
Forever floating in the valley,
From mountain peak to waterfall,
As quiet but strong as a canoe.

My spirit went into the forest
and found the treasure of my own
warm and beating heart
inside pure waters where
there is no death,
Oh no.

Where there is but rebirth and love,
and the love of children
hopeful and hungry — and
The sound of my own song.

~ by Irene, about a recent hike in the Sierras.

My Body is Like a Boat


poetry-body-like-boatYesterday I moved my computer out of the kitchen, where I could not think with all the noise and the sizzling things on the stove,  and into a newly made home office. Today I went right into my new and sacred space!!

Day One in the office:  Here is what I am doing, I am  listening to music on Pandora. I was  studying, but I took a minute to write some poetry that just came to me. continue reading