Bright Lights Today: Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I would like to promote those who are fine art thinkers, as they are emerging in communities today. Here is the Facebook page for Clarissa Pinkola Estes, the author of the books, Women who Runs with the Wolves and Untie the Strong Woman. I find her thoughts on being a creative women (aka a wild woman) quite remarkable. I see that she is also actively writing new thoughts on her Facebook page – Irene

Clarissa Pinkola Estes’ Facebook Page

Clarissa Pinkola Estes at Amazon Books

Spirituality in Art

Here are my own thoughts on spirituality in art:

angel sewing a broken heart, sketch by Irene RowleyMy sweet old Dad wrote me this week about spirituality, and what HE calls the fifth dimension (5D) as a spiritual dimension. Dad is definitely from the Age of Aquarius!

Here is a picture I found in my old papers, that I drew of an angellc-type person who is sewing her heart up with a needle and thread.

I believe you can sometimes feel or sense what dad calls the fifth dimension. In my words that’s just being with God and my grandma in heaven.  I believe that through art, I myself can see this heavenly realm best …and am exploring some of that in my art now, as I have been painting dreams and the dreams are powerful. Some people are more enlightened and powerful than others in spiritual wisdom. A lot of people are burdened with pain and suffering, which holds them back.  I believe in God (however you understand God) and His almighty and loving presence in a spiritual dimension is what gives us all the power and energy to keep going. Be assured, I THINK that there is a love that will outlast all pain and suffering.
Now, I know there are many religions, so  I do not want anyone to feel alienated when I say the words! After all, people have lately been telling me there is a lot of anger in the world, going around. On TV, we see shootings, brutality and confusion! Please, let’s not be a world of hate! Let’s be a world of love and unity!  I was raised by parents to be open-minded of many creeds and religions … like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Zen, Muslim, Celtic, and Indigenous beliefs. I just wish for peace and unity, that lets creative artists and musicians be. Just let us be! Okay enough said on politics, as I am not running for any office!  Moving along…

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Art Journals, Storytelling and Windmills

my art journal … work in progress

Hello! I have started a “creativity journal”. Here’s a look at the painting I did in the cover. .. I found this miraculous white book covered in white canvas, just begging to be my new journal, and I decided to paint this Dutch windmill on the cover!

Everyone has stories in their mind, no matter how buried… mine is just a pouring out from the heart this year, like water out of a jug into my art. I will just tell you one story right now: continue reading

Something from Nothing

the little girl, and her doll

the dollhouse girl I once made, with her little doll.

Making something from nothing is a powerful and spiritual task. I take great joy in making things from the smallest of scraps! In mythology, the poor people are lifted up out of great misery because they make something. This gives me hope, just as it must give hope to millions.

So I began a Google search on this topic of “something from nothing” and came up with a marvelous song Something from Nothing from the Foo Fighters, Sonic Higways last night. Their lyrics express it just right for me! The lyrics are mythical and powerful: continue reading

I Wish I had More Hands

corner of my house,by Irene Rowley

I hung this bottle glass art in the corner, where the bird cage used to hang.

Last blog I wrote about dream interpretation. In retrospect, I might have given you the impression that my dreams and art are both always wonderful and sacred!  In fact, I can spend half my time making things in the mud of real life. Art… like Life… is not all tea and roses!

I’ve been lost in the mud lots of times, while creating it.  Art is a mess! Art is crazy! I think I spend half my time just fixing perceived mistakes.  continue reading