The Little Wizard Man Puppet

little wizard man, puppet

the Little Wizard Man Puppet

I was trying to get some computer work finished today, but the memory of my Little Wizard Man puppet kept interrupting me. Little Wizard Man is a bald paper-mache puppet that I made when I was about 10 years old. He has a long and pointed nose and wears a silk red robe. I made him with newspapers, glue and cloth and he is one-of-a-kind. continue reading

Art Journals, Storytelling and Windmills

my art journal … work in progress

Hello! I have started a “creativity journal”. Here’s a look at the painting I did in the cover. .. I found this miraculous white book covered in white canvas, just begging to be my new journal, and I decided to paint this Dutch windmill on the cover!

Everyone has stories in their mind, no matter how buried… mine is just a pouring out from the heart this year, like water out of a jug into my art. I will just tell you one story right now: continue reading

A Wine Country Treasure Box

Soda Rock Winery, Tin Box

finished treasure box

I come across pretty wine labels all the time.. a benefit of living in Sonoma Wine Country.  I began to think of ways to incorporate wine labels  into home decorations. Here is my first idea, A Wine Country Treasure Box. I just used some pretty vintage wine labels that I found at a local antique store. I also used a tin basket from the craft store, Elmer’s Glue, white spray paint, and spray varnish. continue reading

A Summer Dream Painting

new painting, acrylic on canvas by Irene Rowley

new painting, acrylic on canvas, by Irene Rowley

Here’s a painting I’ve been working on this summer… the first painting I’ve done in a long time!

In this case, I am working with acrylics on white canvas and I found that time had passed so fully, that half of my acrylic color tubes of paint had dried out. So, I managed this much, with about one third of my regular color palette. continue reading