I recommend the books, The Zen of Seeing and The Awakened Eye by Frederick Franck, to artists and art lovers everywhere. Essentially Franck tells artists to let real life guide your drawings. Using the principles of The Zen of Seeing, I sketched my cat G.B., doing my best to remove my ego and preconceptions from what I drew. continue reading
Wire Dragons and Butterflies
One of my friends, Sara Bell, has recently invented wire dragons and butterflies, made out of colored wires and beads: continue reading
Making Art Rocks
I’d like to write about using rocks in fine art, featuring the art of a local artist, Peggy Lindstrom. In art and life, a rock can symbolize our connection to Mother Earth, a connection to our ancestors, and permanency. continue reading
Inside the Dollhouse
Today, I will tell you a little more about what is inside my handmade dollhouse and closeup pictures. It is true that each dollhouse has a story to tell.
The Living Room
This room is a humble American home, with a humble braided rug. A rocking chair faces a stone fireplace.
I used a brass pillbox that I inherited from my Oma (grandma) to make a sewing box. Inside the sewing box I made two pins into sewing needles, and rolled small balls of “yarn” out of embroidery thread, for Oma to knit with.
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The Important Thing About Art

Irene, Oil Painting
When I began this blog, I mentioned using your “artistic mind” to turn scraps into fine art. I’d like to circle back to artistic mind now, and write about art as a personal journey. It begins with unlocking your creative mind. continue reading