The Artist’s Action Items after a WILD fire:
Thank God that
Makers Make and
Makers do not rest…
Beginning with Mother Nature
Who kindly brings
naught but fresh rain and green grass.
Thank God that
Makers Make and
Makers do not rest…
Beginning with Mother Nature
Who kindly brings
naught but fresh rain and green grass.
The Santa Rosa fires were of epic proportion. Here is a current page from my creative journal. I titled this drawing, My Memory of Trees on Fire!
It is a sketch of trees that I see along the 101 Freeway after the fire. You can see the handprint of the edge of the fire, where a green tree ends and black trees start. continue reading
Map of the Oakmont Fire threatening Spring Lake, several miles to the east, at the Ledson Winery area. This is the fire activity on October 16th.
The fires around Sonoma County are frightening. The Ledson Winery, the one I wrote about in The Art of Getting Lost in Sonoma, is standing dramatically against a backdrop of flames in the Oakmont Fire! My mom’s apartment is just two miles away from this fire and she has been under mandatory evacuation orders since October 9th, and she’s sick so I worry about her. Her neighbors at the retirement community were evacuated to the fairgrounds or to their family. We wait for the rain expected on Thursday to stop this madness…
I love living in Sonoma County. Yesterday, I was just driving to Safeway to get my mom some groceries, and I made one wrong turn. One minute later, I was driving through wine country, looking for a place to turn my car around. I saw this open gate. It was a large enough place to turn my car and that’s all I saw, at first. I meant to just turn around.
But as I rolled through the gate, I saw this most incredible mansion, just beyond the many green grapevines (the Ledson Winery). continue reading
finished treasure box
I come across pretty wine labels all the time.. a benefit of living in Sonoma Wine Country. I began to think of ways to incorporate wine labels into home decorations. Here is my first idea, A Wine Country Treasure Box. I just used some pretty vintage wine labels that I found at a local antique store. I also used a tin basket from the craft store, Elmer’s Glue, white spray paint, and spray varnish. continue reading