An Artist’s Action Items … Rebuilding

The Artist’s Action Items after a WILD fire:

Thank God that
Makers Make and
Makers do not rest…
Beginning with Mother Nature
Who kindly brings
naught but fresh rain and green grass.


After: The site of the once astonishing Red Round Barn. In remembrance. Photo by Irene Rowley, December 2017.

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Celebrating Octoberfest in Squaw Valley

Octoberfest lady dancing, by Irene RowleyDid you know there was a Octoberfest festival in Squaw Valley, California, with snow?  I did not know…  I went to the Sierras for the autumn colors, and because I loved the mountains. If you have been following me, you know the Sierra Mountains are one of my favorite destinations. So I went to Squaw Valley this season.

Irene, First snow, Squaw Valley, photo by Irene Rowley

I loved the first snow in Squaw Valley …

I found Squaw Valley was a little village nestled under steep and beautiful granite mountains. They were untouched by snow, at least the day I arrived… continue reading

I Walk with Three Kings

A Mazatlan sunset from my last travels

This is the season of the Three Kings from the East, the season of visions and quests, despite political unrest, or perhaps even because of unrest!   (p.s. That was a veiled reference to a new USA president about to take office.) I think that a starry vision is timeless and spaceless, and can bring the peace, that nations and politics can never bring…

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Holiday Trees and Handprints

my handprint in a birch treeI have this handprint cutout on my fridge ever since Thanksgiving, when  I visited my brother Walt, and his six kids. We all made these handprint cutouts for a little “Thanksgiving Tree”. This is a very simple and scrappy idea for any family gathering or holiday. On each finger of the handprint, we were told to write something we were thankful for. Here are the five things I wrote:

1. Trees
2. Family
3. Creative mind
4. Arts and Crafts
5. Music continue reading

Celebrating the Day of the Dead

Dia de Muertos, Mazatlan, 2016

A little Catrina girl

I was in Mazatlan during the Dia de Muertos (The Day of the Dead), a Mexican holiday, and I was BLOWN AWAY!  I must share it. This festival is a fantastic blend of thoughts on life and death, wrapped together with artistic visions. At first, the folk art captured my heart, and then it shook my bones. Because I saw things I never expected. I was just experiencing this holiday for the first time in my life…and I really got into it!

Here is a gallery of the glorious things I saw that night:
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