About Irene Rowley

an artist that loves to read and write, and web designer that loves to make dreams a reality

Making a Birdhouse

bird house in the garden, by Irene Rowley

final bird house in the garden

Hello!  I recently made a birdhouse for my mom (Oma), since she loves to work in her garden, more than anything. I am looking forward to Spring and seeing if any little birds make their nests here, to keep my mom company. I thought I would share it with you, as an idea for Valentines Day presents this week.

Here are the steps for making a simple garden birdhouse: continue reading

Art Scraps Blog Moved

pastel drawing of wolf, smelling flower, by Irene Rowley

wolf smelling a flower, by Irene Rowley

This blog moved locations on the web to artscrapsblog.com. Please change your bookmarks. I moved it in December, but just like a newbie, I forgot to tell and include the people who were already subscribed to the blog.  So here are the articles you may have missed in December and January:

In these recent blogs I have begun to ponder some deeper issues, about island wisdom for art and life, and what I’d consider golden rules of being an environmentally-aware artist.

I am currently working on the next post now, on making and painting birdhouses! Stay tuned!


Three Golden Rules for Art Scrappers

a miniature patchwork quilt, made from my old dresses. Irene Rowely

Patchwork quilts are a good example of “use what you have”.

Here are three golden rules to be an “Art Scrapper”, and an environmentally-aware artist.  I know that artists do not always like rules,  so you can also call these three guidelines, or philosophies, on turning old scraps into fine arts and crafts:

Scrapper Rule #1. Use What You Have. continue reading

Island Wisdom Part 2 – Peace and Patience

beach girl in Puerto Plata, near the brand new Amber Cove port,  copyright by Irene Rowley

On the beach in Puerto Plata where I got the carved fish. March 2015

I am a humble traveler and artist, not an expert on Caribbean art and music. Before I traveled to the Caribbean, I only knew about the islands through reggae music and popular lyrics by Bob Marley, such as in the wonderful song, One Love, One Heart… continue reading