About Irene Rowley

an artist that loves to read and write, and web designer that loves to make dreams a reality

Island Wisdom Part 1 – Everything Counts

AFI [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)], via Wikimedia Commons

Botanical Garden, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

I’ve been reflecting on this blog and what secrets to share as the year draws to a close, and one of the key pieces of wisdom I can share with you now. Here it is: I learned from a quiet shopkeeper in Puerto Plata, the Dominican Republic, that whole cultures  are made and supported from art scraps.

Puerto Plata is a city on the north side of the island and just a few hours from the Haitian border.  Christopher Columbus settled in Puerto Plata,  founding the first European-American colony in this very region. So as a traveler I walked on historic ground and wondered deeply about how cultures survive for centuries… continue reading

A Painter’s Love Affair with Wood

my birdhouse with tole painting and blue pickling stains, by Irene Rowley

my blue birdhouse

Don’t you love wood? Wood is the substrate for many beautiful pieces of art.

Here is a modest example of painted wood art: a Swedish plate that depicts a rural scene and windmill, my cedar box,  my bird house pickled blue, a fruit still life painted on a wood cutting board, and a folk art cow panel, that I saw in Gilroy recently: continue reading

The Zen of Seeing, with a Cat

drawing-1980s-015_webI recommend the books,  The Zen of Seeing and The Awakened Eye by Frederick Franck, to artists and art lovers everywhere. Essentially Franck tells artists to let real life guide your drawings. Using the principles of  The Zen of Seeing, I sketched my cat G.B., doing my best to remove my ego and preconceptions from what I drew. continue reading