My Body is Like a Boat


poetry-body-like-boatYesterday I moved my computer out of the kitchen, where I could not think with all the noise and the sizzling things on the stove,  and into a newly made home office. Today I went right into my new and sacred space!!

Day One in the office:  Here is what I am doing, I am  listening to music on Pandora. I was  studying, but I took a minute to write some poetry that just came to me. I never thought I’d get this creatively far in just one day! Here is the first poem… I hope you like it !

My body is like a boat
Carrying something lost and special
Year to Year
Through the seasons
Holding the Cargo Everyone Forgets.
Because I saw it once,
Fifty Years Ago,
I had something like a birth.

No one else in the family
Understood it quite yet.
It has an invisible spirit
It has a brain that takes flight
It belongs in this time and
It holds my memories —
Of being in a large family —
Of always having brothers, laughters —
compatriots on a journey.
My mind sometimes take flight
From my now aching joints.
My mind has its own Sacred Place.

I did not have a people
to share the strange thoughts
of my mind —
Thus I created art
I sang, drew, envisioned, and
asked the universe,
and my spirit animals,
to be on my journey.
And I traveled,
as Far as I could ever go…
Belonging with my own people.


–by Irene Apr. 24, 2017

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